Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tennessee - Doctor's Work Restrictions

Work Restrictions – Tennessee Workers Compensation

Has your workers’ compensation doctor assigned work restrictions?  If so, you need to follow those restrictions.  Your employer also needs to allow you to work within those restrictions.
When a doctor puts you on work restrictions as a part of your work comp claim, it is important that you employer allow you to work within those restrictions.  It's the law.
 There are many good employers, however, sometimes employers do not follow the work comp. doctor’s restrictions. This puts the injured worker in a difficult position.  They are afraid that if they do not do what their employer asks, they will be fired.  At the same time, they do not want to risk further injury by violating the doctor's orders.
The injured employee should follow their authorized treating doctor's orders.  If the employer retaliates, you should contact a workers' compensation lawyer immediately.
If you have been assigned work restrictions by your workers’ compensation doctor but your employer is not following the restrictions, please call Attorney Cody Allison & Associates / The Work Comp. Team at (615) 234-6000.  We will provide you with a free consultation regarding your work restrictions and your claim as a whole.  Put our experience on your side.
Call (615) 234-6000.  We even take calls before/after normal business hours.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Tennessee Work Injury - Medical Treatment

How do you get medical treatment under workers' compensation in TN?
The State of Tennessee requires medical treatment be provided to injured employees.  Your employer and their work comp. insurance company will often ask the question - was the employee really injured on the job or did they get hurt somewhere else?  By giving notice of your on-the-job injury as soon as possible, you will make it easier to establish that your injury did indeed happen at work.  Under Tennessee law, you have thirty (30) days from the date you are injured to report the injury.  You can call Attorney Cody Allison and The Work Comp. Team in Nashville, Tennessee at (615) 234-6000 to learn more.
If it is established that you were hurt on the job, you are entitled to receive medical care.  Tennessee Code Annotated 50-6-405 states the employer is to provide, free of charge, a panel of three (3) or more reputable physicians or surgeons, not together in practice, from which the employee may select one for treatment.  That physician is termed the “authorized treating physician”. If you injury your back, the panel will should include four (4) or more physicians, one of which must be a chiropractor.  Once the injured employee selects a physician, this physician will direct all medical treatment for the employee's workers' compensation injury.  This medical care is to be paid for by the employer's workers' compensation insurance company.
What if you need a specialist for your Tennessee work injury?  If a specialist is required, the physician may refer the employee, or the employer may offer another panel of specialists from which the injured employee can choose.
Medical treatment extends for as long as required by the authorized treating physician. If appropriate, this physician will provide the employee with off-work excuses and light or restricted duty limitations. It is very important that the authorized physician's instructions and restrictions be followed at all times. Even if your employer wants you to violate your restrictions, you should continue to follow your authorized treating physician's orders.
When you are hurt at work, the first step is to report the injury in order to start your medical treatment as quickly as possible.  For more information you may call The Work Comp. Team at Attorney Cody Allison & Associates 24/7 at (615) 234-6000.

Nashville, Tennessee workers’ compensation / Middle  Tennessee workers’ compensation / Davidson County workers’ compensation/ TN work comp/ Nashville work comp lawyer  Nashville work comp attorney

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hernia or Rupture Injuries Under Tennessee Workers' Compensation Law

Under Tennessee law, workers' compensation claims involving a hernia or rupture injuries have special rules.  These rules are shown below as found in Tennessee Code Annotated section 50-6-212.  If you have suffered a work injury in Tennessee, please call The Work Comp Team at Attorney Cody Allison & Associates at (615) 234-6000.   We can come to see you if you are not able to come to our office.

50-6-212.  Hernia or rupture.
  (a) In all claims for compensation for hernia or rupture, resulting from injury by accident arising out of and in the course of the employee's employment, it must be definitely proven to the satisfaction of the court that:

   (1) There was an injury resulting in hernia or rupture;

   (2) The hernia or rupture appeared suddenly;

   (3) It was accompanied by pain;

   (4) The hernia or rupture immediately followed the accident; and

   (5) The hernia or rupture did not exist prior to the accident for which compensation is claimed.

(b) All hernia or rupture, inguinal, femoral or otherwise, so proven to be the result of an injury by accident arising out of and in the course of the employment, shall be treated in a surgical manner by a radical operation. If death results from the operation, the death shall be considered as the result of the injury, and compensation paid in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.